Numbers in English: 12 foolproof tips for learning

Many people need to learn to speak and write numbers in English. However, this is not among the easiest tasks in the world. The new words and pronunciation can be a bit difficult and even mess up some people's heads.

One example numbers in English: being able to pronounce them is an indispensable skill, but many find it difficult to learn. The good news is that this can become much simpler for those who adopt some foolproof tips when learning.

Are you curious and do you also want to achieve these results? So this post was made for you! Let's go together in this? Check out!

1. Start with a small sampling of numbers in English

There are many numbers in English, but you don't have to learn them all overnight. The best way is to take it easy, separating everything into small groups. Then, just increase the sampling progressively.

You can learn 20 numbers a day, for example, and revise until they're completely memorized. Once you are sure how to write and pronounce, then you can move on to another group.

As you learn, you will see that there is logic and everything becomes easier. To make everything even simpler, review and be sure to go to the next step.

2. Enlist the help of YouTube channels to learn numbers in English

YouTube channels have increasingly established themselves as great alternatives for those who want to learn — in the case of English it is no different. There are currently several channels that feature memorization and pronunciation practices for numbers in English, helping a lot in the results.

This means that you can count on the support of free videos to learn to speak numbers correctly and without any major difficulties. By training repetitively, you get used to them and, consequently, learn.

If you prefer, you can still convert the videos to audio format and listen whenever you have free time. This is a way to practice in the car, on the bus, or wherever you like — so you get used to the sounds and become more comfortable with each one! You may also be interested to learn about English irregular verbs

3. Invest in the right materials

This is a basic point, but repetition helps a lot! Therefore, bet on materials that have the numbers written in English in full, so you will read so many times that you will memorize the correct form. After a while, you will already know how to write them without any major difficulties!

Trust me: immersion in a language is still the best way to learn something consistently, so get as much contact with the numbers as possible.

To optimize results, bet on materials that have a written pronunciation. This can be a great guide as you will learn the correct way to speak. Sometimes the written form causes our pronunciation to be wrong, so it's also good to pay attention to the correct pronunciation.

4. Get used to listening to the famous podcasts

Podcasts are becoming more popular and are also an interesting way to improve pronunciation. They work like YouTube channels, so it's natural that they promote more or less the same benefits.

For those who don't know, podcasts are free audio programs that are available for listening on the internet. As you might be guessing, this is a great way to listen in the car, on the bus, or any number of other places — just have a little free time to enjoy them.

You can do a search by cell phone or even by computer. There is no lack of options for episodes of the most diverse tastes to train English and learn many skills (including in relation to numbers).

Think about how you expose yourself to the natives' way of speaking and soon begin to condition your brain to make the same sounds. You will soon be grateful for making this type of investment!

5. Read the numbers in English aloud daily

This is a great tip to learn numbers in English, so you can see how your pronunciation is and see possible points for improvement. This is a great advantage and represents a way to further improve your way of speaking.

However, be careful to see if you are speaking correctly. Think that speaking numbers without knowing the correct pronunciation can make you reinforce a wrong way of speaking. On the other hand, when you speak, record, and then listen, you can see possibilities for improvement and fix mistakes.

If your pronunciation is still not the way you would like it to be, then it's time to train even more and improve your speech. To have a driver, you can also count on the help of an audiobook.

That way, the pronunciation comes out correctly, and then it's easier to just repeat. Therefore, adopt the practice once a week, at least, make comparisons and notice the differences! Just an addendum: as much as you find your voice a little strange at first, insist. You will get used to it and notice many points of improvement.

6. Practice numbers in English with native speakers

The natives are a powerful weapon and must be exploited to improve their knowledge. Numbers in English, for example, can be learned faster and more consistently with their help.

There are some sounds and phonemes in English that are very strange to us. Think that, if that doesn't make a lot of sense, it can be even more complicated to learn from other Brazilians, isn't it?

On the other hand, we can learn more easily considering the way foreigners speak. This makes it easier for you to understand which syllables to emphasize, what sounds to make, and various other details. You bet: that makes all the difference!

7. Count on the help of muscle memory to learn numbers in English

As we've already mentioned, in addition to knowing the numbers in English, it's very important to know how to pronounce them correctly. Well, although many people do not explore this technique, muscle memory can help a lot!

The mouth is a muscle, and like the others in the body, it can learn to move correctly and later on automatically. As we mentioned, there are many Brazilians who have difficulties with some phonemes in English, so we need to train them to become more and more common.

Move the musculature and make the facial muscles become more and more accustomed to the new existing phonemes. In the beginning, this may be a little tired, but it will become easier and more fluid to communicate in English with the help of this strategy.

8. Find the right models to look up to

There are two types of models that can be explored to learn English numbers for real. The first is language learning — that is, people who have advanced knowledge of the language and can help in this regard.

Here you can count on the help of a friend who has learned with a lot of effort and who can share interesting techniques. Many of them don't have the ideal pronunciation, but you can still learn about the process and memorization techniques.

The second model is one that encompasses the people you should emulate—that is, people who have the accent you would like to have. In this case, the ideal is to look for native speakers or even people with a talent for practically perfect pronunciation.

Look for people you identify with and adopt them as a profile that will help you ensure even more accurate pronunciation.

9. Pay attention to the "music" behind the words

To understand intonation, it is necessary to know that every language contains some music behind the words. This musical element is fundamental and makes all the difference.

If you were, for example, singing the language, do you know what kind of sound it would have? This is a conscious way to speed up the learning process. Only through awareness is it possible to develop your mind, notice points of improvement and become more fluent.

10. Pay attention to the most important pronunciations

As we've said, pronunciation makes a lot of difference and can make it easier for you to learn numbers. Many people have a hard time saying the number three, for example. Its translation is “three”, but some people pronounce it “tree” (which in English means tree).

To kick-start your pronunciation, it's very important to pay attention to the most important details. There are five phonemes that are strange and deserve a special mention for those who are learning the language. Numbers in English: 12 foolproof tips for learning

Many people need to learn to speak and write numbers in English. However, this is not among the easiest tasks in the world. The new words and pronunciation can be a bit difficult and even mess up some people's heads.

One example numbers in English: being able to pronounce them is an indispensable skill, but many find it difficult to learn. The good news is that this can become much simpler for those who adopt some foolproof tips when learning.

Are you curious and do you also want to achieve these results? So this post was made for you! Let's go together in this? Check out!
Numbers in English: 12 foolproof tips for learning Numbers in English: 12 foolproof tips for learning Reviewed by ahmhasan on August 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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